
Check out photos from the 2014 Festival!

And view all the 2014 Official Selections here.

One of the great open mic performances from Urban Arts Partnership at the fest.





IHTD is the annual If I Had A Trillion Dollars national youth film festival. We ask youth ages 23 years old and younger, “If YOU had the power to choose, how would you spend 1 trillion dollars? What could that money do for your family, for your community, for your nation, or for the world?”

Ultimately, we want America’s youth to think about their priorities, and then engage politically in order to bring about the changes they need.

Consider our nation’s priorities as illustrated through the United States federal budget. Compare these priorities to your own. What are your values? How do your values match up against the spending and revenue priorities of the federal government?

There are many different things the federal government spends money on, such as energy and the environment, education, health care, jobs, the military, and the arts.  Which of these issues are most important to you?  Don’t just list how you’d spend each dollar, but instead use your video to talk about what you would change and why you want this change.





Screen the festival to your youth group, school, or community organization. A DVD of outstanding selections from past years is available free of charge.

Click here to request past IHTD DVDs.

If you would like to be added to the festival contact list, click here.

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